Product marketing blogs


Providing Redocly customers with a monthly update on new features been rolled out across its products.


When I started at Redocly, a lot of customers were sometimes unaware of various features been rolled out across our products. The only way they could find this out was by contacting technical support.

It was essential to let customers know frequently what we were working on and how it would enhance their developer experience.


I took it upon myself to start writing a monthly marketing blog post that captured everything that was been delivered as part of our products, and also promote this through our social media channels - Twitter and Linkedin.

I worked with our developers, testers, and the management team to keep track of new features, enhancements and tweaks across our products and converted this into marketing blog posts every month.

Over the course of the last 14 months, I published:

  • 11 monthly blog posts that captured product, docs and company news from the immediate previous month,
  • 2 yearly blog posts that captured the best of our product features, documentation and project updates over the preceding 11 months.

Yearly blog


  • Customers were able to instantly find out about product releases which helped marketing teams convert or upgrade customers.
  • Helped new employees understand the cadence of product releases and its impact on the consumers.
  • Helped marketing and support teams assist customers make informed buying decisions.

Project link:

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink