Product documentation, Information architecture, Content strategy


As Redocly’s first Technical Writer Advocate, the goal of this role is to help the community of technical writers by advocating for a docs-like-code approach and offering them the skills and know-how for how to make it happen.


Redocly makes API design and documentation software with the goal to improve the writer and developer experience.

As part of this goal, they required a Technical Writer Advocate to not only assist with writing technical content, but also needed someone to

  • Review the information architecture and set up a content strategy for their products,
  • Advocate for good documentation practices, and
  • Present at meetups and conferences about technical writing tools and techniques.


I started with understanding the problem our customers usually face, by talking to various stakeholders including the CEO, President, CTO, Developer teams, and Product Managers aross multiple product feature areas.

Over the course of the project, I:

  • Assisted with a content audit of the existing documentation.
  • Facilitated a tree-testing exercise to identify gaps in our current documentation.
  • Managed an information architecture project to improve our documentation structure.
  • Wrote technical content for our product features.
  • Presented at 3 global events, focussing on importance of technical writing and good documentation practices, and,
  • Improved documentation experience across our products



  • Set up a content strategy to tackle various pieces of technical content around our products.
  • Delivered a range of improvements to the documentation experience by undertaking information architecture and design activities.

Project link:

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink