SDK documentation


Zip simplifies how you pay everywhere and save every day by offering fast, fair and seamless payment solutions online and in-store.


I was contacted by one of the Zip development teams to assist with editing and creating content for their Zip SDK developer documentation hub.


I collaborated with the Zip team to review their existing SDK documentation for iOS and Android devices, and make recommendations on style, voice and tone, to make it clearer to understand. Zip SDK Developer Hub

Along the way, I also contributed to reviewing the information architecture and topic headings.

Lastly, I created a few additional topics to provide business context, structure and flow to the SDK documentation. Zip SDK Developer Hub


  • Edited and reviewed 25+ topics for voice and tone consistencies.
  • Improved the navigation and information architecture of the documentation portal.

Project link:

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink